5 Amazing Ashwagandha Uses for Mood, Sleep, and More

5 Amazing Ashwagandha Uses for Mood, Sleep, and More

Ashwagandha is a plant that’s been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda and various cultures because of its benefits. As a popular adaptogen, ashwagandha is a natural supplement that helps the body adapt and balance.

There are many common ashwagandha uses for physical and mental support. If you’re interested in ashwagandha for yourself or just curious about what it does, here are the top reasons people choose to take it.

1. Ashwagandha for the Nervous System (Stress and Anxiety Support)

Stress and anxiety occur when our bodies are in “fight or flight” mode. This stress response was helpful to our ancestors when regular physical threats from enemies and predators existed.

But today, our nervous system can flare up when there’s no physical danger at all. Modern work environments, negative thoughts, toxic relationships, stress about paying the bills, and various other factors can make us stressed and anxious.

Related: How to Relieve Stress Naturally: 9 Effective Methods

Sometimes, we don’t even know the reason for our stress, anxiety, or depression. But over time, this hyperarousal can wear us down and even lead to illness.

When we’re stressed, our bodies release the stress hormone cortisol, which controls functions of the body like the nervous system, metabolism, inflammation, and blood sugar. Long periods of stress and anxiety can impact these areas of life and more.

Thankfully, ashwagandha has been shown to support the nervous system in problematic areas related to stress and anxiety:

In a 2012 study published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, a treatment group given 300 mg of high-concentration, full-spectrum ashwagandha root extract twice a day for 60 days had a significant reduction in stress scores and serum cortisol levels compared to the placebo group [1].

Ashwagandha also supports proper function of the HPA axis, which boosts the adrenal glands that must work in sync for a healthy stress response [2].

In addition, there’s some evidence ashwagandha may have prevent vitamin C depletion caused by stress [3,4]. Our adrenals, which regulate cortisol creation, must have enough vitamin C to do their jobs correctly.

2. Ashwagandha Uses for a Balanced Mood

By helping to soothe the nervous system, ashwagandha aids in an overall calmer, more balanced mood. Stress and anxiety can make us feel heightened and uptight, unable to calm ourselves down. Ashwagandha offers a natural approach to relief by promoting a more balanced stress response.

For these reasons, some find ashwagandha a welcome complement to mindfulness and a healthy lifestyle for better emotional balance.

3. Ashwagandha for Sleep

Ashwagandha can be helpful in getting better sleep.

Many of us who are overstressed also have trouble getting to or staying asleep. Thus, ashwagandha’s stress-reducing qualities may contribute to deeper, longer sleep. By addressing the root cause of poor sleep,, we can help our bodies relax into better rest each night.

Other natural sleep remedies include melatonin, calming herbs like valerian and chamomile tea, regular exercise, meditation, and avoiding caffeine later in the day.

4. Supports Hormonal Balance and Better Stress Reactions

When our bodies are under stress, they go through three stages of physiological changes:

  1. Alarm reaction: “fight or flight” symptoms like increased heart rate and the release of the cortisol and adrenaline hormones.
  2. Resistance: the body begins to calm itself down.
  3. Exhaustion: what happens after stress continues for a prolonged period and includes symptoms like anxiety, depression, fatigue, burnout, and weakened immunity.

Adaptogens like ashwagandha act on each of these phases. They may increase the amount it takes to trigger the initial alarm phase in the body, then help to break down stress hormones so they don’t linger in the body.

5. Natural Muscle Recovery

Men have long utilized ashwagandha for boosting muscle strength and recovery.

A 2015 study randomized 57 young males into either a treatment or placebo group. For eight weeks, the participants in the treatment group took 300 mg of ashwagandha root extract twice a day. The control group participants were given starch placebos. Each group had resistance training measurements taken.

Compared with the placebo group, the group taking the ashwagandha had [5]:

  • Significantly bigger increases in muscle strength during exercises
  • Much less exercise-induced muscle damage (as measured by serum creatine kinase, a marker of muscle injury)

Although research on muscle building and recovery has focused more on men, ashwagandha benefits for women and men alike are possible in this area.

Ashwagandha for Overall Wellness

Above are the main ashwagandha uses and benefits for the average person. Overall, it’s a fantastic ancient root that has provided relief to many.

At Nature’s Ideal, we’re proud to offer a variety of the best ashwagandha brands. That includes Nature Wise, which has ashwagandha products for stress, endurance, libido, brain health, and more. To see every option available, browse all of our ashwagandha products here.

Disclaimer: Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Nov 30th 2023 Nature's Ideal

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