5 Incredible Benefits of Dry Brushing Every Day

5 Incredible Benefits of Dry Brushing Every Day

Dry brushing is a very simple wellness method that can have some wonderful benefits for your well being. If you’re interested in dry brushing and haven’t tried it before (or used to do it and want a reminder of why it’s great), here are some of the biggest benefits of dry brushing your body on a daily basis.

1. Sheds Dead Skin Cells

Since dry brushing is rubbing against your skin regularly, it helps naturally exfoliate dead skin cells. This encourages new cells to emerge so you’re left with smoother, cleaner, and more vibrant skin.

Dry brushing may even be able to help loosen ingrown hairs.

2. Supports Lymphatic Drainage

Your lymphatic system is your body’s network of organs and tissues that remove waste, toxins, and other harmful or unwanted materials.

Your lymphatic system’s main job is to move lymph through your body. Lymph fluid can be either white or yellow depending on where it is in the body and how concentrated it is. This fluid is full of proteins and infection-fighting cells.

Brushing the body stimulates the lymphatic system to assist in drainage, encouraging discharge of waste and toxins.

3. May Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite

Many people who dry brush regularly claim it has helped them reduce the appearance of cellulite on their bodies. Besides that, the brushing movements are nourishing to the skin, feel great, and can help skin feel softer.

4. Stimulates the Nervous System

Another of commonly mentioned benefits of dry brushing is that it can give you a natural healthy boost of energy!

The stiff bristles against the skin can help stimulate your nervous system and perk you up. This may be because it also help increase circulation in your body. Try dry brushing first thing in the morning to wake up and give yourself some rejuvenating energy for the day.

5. Boosts Skin Appearance

Since dry brushing exfoliates the skin, it helps clear dirt, oil, and other residues that may be hanging out in your pores. This leaves you with clearer- and healthier-looking skin with less-noticeable pores.

(Just be sure to use a smaller and less-stiff brush for your face! I normal dry body brush is great for the skin on your body but will be too abrasive for your face.)

Bonus Benefit: Supports Better Self-Care

Although this isn’t necessarily a benefit you can see, it’s an important one: Dry brushing is a great form of self-care.

By dry brushing first thing in the morning, you’re giving your body a little extra love and attention. Use it as an opportunity to show appreciation for the body you were given and everything it does for you.

It’s also a chance to take a few minutes solely for yourself. Follow it with a healthy breakfast and you’ll feel amazing about starting off your day!

How to Experience the Benefits of Dry Brushing

If you’re new to dry brushing, here’s a quick and simple tutorial:

  1. Pick a good brush before dry brushing. Buy one with …
  2. Make sure your skin is dry, and dry brush before you bath or shower.
  3. Starting with your ankles and working up, rub the brush on your skin in gentle, circular motions. (Lymphatic fluid flows towards the heart, so always make sure you’re brushing in a direction towards the heart.) Go from your ankles to your lower legs, then to your thighs, stomach, back, arms, and finally your chest and breasts.
  4. Once you’ve brushed your whole body (except your face, unless you have a gentler brush for it), bath or shower to wash away any dead skin or other toxins you’ve released during your dry brushing.
  5. Finish the whole process with a healthy moisturizer, such as a natural body lotion or coconut oil.

Cautions: Use softer strokes on the skin around your chest and breasts, as it’s softer and more sensitive. And never dry brush over skin that is broken, inflamed, sunburned, or has sores on it.

If you want to experience the benefits of dry brushing for yourself, try this method for the next couple weeks to a month and notice how you feel. And know you’re doing something great for you body!

At Nature’s Ideal, we have several body brush options to choose from, including Earth Therapeutics and Yerba Prima.

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Nov 30th 2023 Nature's Ideal

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