5 Proven Benefits of a Low-Carb Low-Sugar Diet

5 Proven Benefits of a Low-Carb Low-Sugar Diet

Low-carb diets have become really popular in recent years—and there are good reasons for it.

While low-fat and high-carb used to be the go-to health advice 20 years ago, we now know the opposite is far better for health. Ditching sugar and focusing on fats and proteins instead of carbs is good for weight loss, disease prevention, and more.

If you’re looking to clean up your diet and get healthier (or just get more information on this way of eating), here are the top benefits of a low-carb low-sugar diet.

But First, What Does Low-Carb Low-Sugar Mean?

Like it sounds, a low-carb low-sugar diet limits both carbohydrates—grains (including whole grains), fruits, beans and legumes, starchy vegetables, and flours—and natural sugars.

Some low-carb diets also limit milk products and nuts and seeds, all of which contain some carbs.

There are different ways to do a low-carb diet. Some involve higher protein and fat with limited carbs. Others, like the paleo diet, don’t necessarily count carbs but focus on naturally-lower-carb whole foods like meat, leafy greens and local veggies, nuts and seeds,

Then you have the ketogenic diet, a very low carb way of eating consisting of 60-75 percent fat (or more), 15-30 percent protein, and only 5-10 percent carbs.

The keto diet has a distinct purpose: to induce ketosis in the body, a state of metabolism where the body switches from using carbs for energy to burning fat for fuel.

Some sugar is pure carbs, low-carb diets are by default also low-sugar.

5 Benefits of Low Carb Low Sugar Diet

Although the specific diets can vary, a low-carb low-sugar diet overall has some very significant benefits.

1. More Efficient Diet for Weight Loss

Weight loss is the most popular reason for eating a low-carb low-sugar diet. That’s because it can be very effective!

When Harvard School of Public Health analyzed over 53 studies of over 68,000 people looking at the long-term effects of low-fat and higher-fat diets, they found the low-carb diets fared better—counter to previous popular beliefs.

Those on low-carb diets were around two and a half pounds lighter after a year or more than those on low-fat diets. It’s not a lot, but it shows how wrong the traditional low-fat advice has been for weight loss. Plus, this is where the type of low-carb diet matters.

Following a whole foods-based, nutrient-dense low-carb diet can be very effective for fast weight loss because it’s satisfying and naturally utilizes the body’s fat-burning capabilities (more on these points below).

Plus, limiting refined carbohydrates and added sugars eliminates a lot of calorie-dense junk foods from your diet, which will naturally lower your overall caloric intake and, when done healthfully and as a true lifestyle change, lead to long-term weight loss.

2. Impacts Insulin for More Fat Burning

Insulin is a hormone that help glucose enter the cells of your body. Your body will use some of that glucose immediately for functions like moving and breathing, but excess glucose goes one of two directions:

  • Into storage in your liver, muscles, or other body cells to be used later
  • Or it’s converted into fat

Carbohydrates spike blood sugar and insulin levels, continuing the glucose-storing or fat-converting process. But the idea being low-carb and low-sugar is that by decreasing carbs, you can lower insulin levels—and lead the body to burn the fat it’s been storing.

It’s literally a fat-burning diet!

3. Reduces Hunger and Cravings

Eating more fat and protein is satiating, meaning it helps you feel full quicker and for longer. Most low-carb plans don’t really require calorie counting because the high satiety level and balanced blood sugar levels act as a natural appetite regulator and cravings-fighter!

This was shown in a two-year trial published in 2011 on obese subjects that evaluated the effects of a low-carb diet versus a low-fat diet on food cravings, food preferences, and appetite. Results showed those in the low-carb group were less bothered by hunger and had significantly larger decreases in cravings for carbs and starches and less preference for high-sugar and high-carb foods[1].

Plus, blood sugar and insulin spikes—which can affect energy levels, mood, and overall health—that would happen throughout the day on a high-carb diet are greatly minimized by eating less carbs and sugars.

4. Keto Mimics the Benefits of Fasting

Fasting regularly can be healthy for many reasons, including the stimulation of autophagy, a process where the body “plays housekeeping” by removing harmful elements like damaged mitochondria and pathogens [2].

Autophagy plays a key role in preventing diseases like autoimmunity, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegeneration [3].

Eating a very-low-carb diet and putting the body in ketosis mimics fasting—as you’re essentially “fasting” your body of carbohydrates and sugars—so you can reap the benefits without abstaining from food completely.

5. May Reduce Disease Risk Factors

High sugar levels play a part in nearly all diseases we face today, including heart disease, type II diabetes, cancer, and dementia, so it makes sense that a healthy low-sugar diet could assist in disease prevention.

Common health benefits of low carb low sugar diets also include:

  • higher HDL “good” cholesterol levels and reduced triglycerides, both major factors in the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Reduced insulin, blood sugar, and inflammation, factors that influence the heart and the risk of type II diabetes
  • Weight loss, which itself helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases

As you can see, there are many benefits of a low carb low sugar diet. The “perfect” diet varies per person and situation, but if you want to improve your health and feel great for a long time to come, cutting out excess sugars and carbs—especially refined carbs—from your body is a great place to start. 

Apr 6th 2018 Nature's Ideal

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