Gotu Kola Benefits: How to Use This Herb for Mental Clarity and So Much More

Gotu Kola Benefits: How to Use This Herb for Mental Clarity and So Much More

Gotu Kola is an Ayurvedic herb with a funny name but powerful effects. People in India and China have been using it as a remedy for thousands of years to promote deeper mental clarity, overall wellness, balanced negative effects associated with aging, and a lot more.

Interested in trying it or learning more about the biggest gotu kola benefits? Here’s everything you need to know.

Gotu Kola: The Ancient Power Herb

Gotu kola, also known as centella asiatica, is a plant native to southeast Asia that has an appearance similar to parsley. It is odor-free and has a mild to slightly bitter taste when eaten, depending on the variety. It’s been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine for a variety of issues.

The above-ground parts of gotu kola are used for natural remedies.

Top 5 Gotu Kola Benefits

The benefits of gotu kola extend into many aspects of health. Here are the top uses for it.

1. Supports Healthy Blood Flow

One of the most traditional uses of gotu kola is for supporting the circulatory system with strong blood flow in the veins and capillaries.

A strong circulatory system is important for delivering oxygen and nutrients to your cells, removing waste products like carbon dioxide, and keeping the heart healthy and skin vibrant.

2. Heightens Mental Clarity and Energy

Although it’s name is very similar to “kola nut,” a caffeine-containing fruit from Africa (and the origin of the popular beverage name “Cola”), gotu kola is not the same.

Gotu kola does not contain caffeine, but its positive impact on the circulatory system does help provide more oxygen to the brain to boost cognition and mental energy. This makes it very popular among people who want or need to avoid caffeine while still increasing alertness and natural energy levels.

3. Boosts Brain, Memory, and Mood

For a long time, Ayurvedic medicine has used gotu kola as an alternative remedy for improving memory.

Today, studies have demonstrated positive effects of gotu kola on cognitive impairment in rat models of Alzheimer’s disease and stimulation of areas of the hippocampus (the part of the brain thought to control memory and emotion) as well as possible memory enhancement [1].

4. Promotes a Calmer Mind and Better Sleep

Gotu kola is often used along with other calming herbs to address sleep issues and promote an overall deeper sense of calm [2].

A calmer mind has positive effects on mental health and can even help reduce physical effects of mental stress, such as elevated blood pressure and emotional eating.

5. Assists Appearance of Scars, Stretch Marks, or Injuries

Chemicals in gotu kola may help soothe inflammation, reduce the blood pressure in veins, and increase production of collagen (which is important for skin health, elasticity, and repair), according to WebMD.

This can make it especially helpful in supporting the healing process and improving the appearance of skin.

Forms of Gotu Kola and How to Use It

There are a few different ways to benefit from gotu kola. The most commons forms include:

  • Capsules and pills: Great for getting a direct benefit of the herb through easy daily use.
  • Gotu kola teas: Added to tea formulas for everything from more energy and mental clarity to calming effects.
  • Gotu kola extract drops: Gotu kola drops ofte absorb into the body faster and are more potent than capsules, pills, or tablets. Best for supporting the musculoskeletal system (skin and connective tissue) but also powerful for supporting mental aptitude. It can be easily added to beverages like water or juice.
  • Dried herb: The pure herb can be steeped as a daily loose leaf tea or infusion.
  • Creams and lotions with gotu kola: Help absorb the herb directly into your skin while also moisturizing.
  • Soaps with gotu kola: Supports healthy skin every time you wash.
  • Shampoos and conditioners with gotu kola: Often added to all-natural hair serums along with other beneficial ingredients for healthier, more vibrant, and faster-growing locks.
  • Protein and nutritional shakes: Often used as part of an herbal blend to enhance nutritional benefits.

Gotu kola is also frequently added to supplement blends for mood support, skin support, and or a boosted mental state. Chances are it’s been present in some products you’ve already tried and you just weren’t aware of it! That’s how commonly gotu kola is used for overall mental and physical wellness.

Nature’s Ideal offers many different products that use gotu kola. From pure supplements to teas and body care products containing this wonder herb, we have it all. Shop our selection here.

Disclaimer: Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

May 18th 2018 Nature's Ideal

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