Build Muscle Naturally: Best Foods and Supplements

Build Muscle Naturally: Best Foods and Supplements

If you want to get fit and healthy, you need to build lean muscle. And in order to do that, your body needs the right type of fuel.

Below are some of the best foods and some natural supplements you can use to build muscle for a strong, healthy body.

What to Eat to Gain Muscle Naturally

First and foremost, make sure your nutrition is good. What you put into your body is the single most important factor for health, including building muscle and getting fit.

Eat whole, nutrient-dense foods with plenty of protein, healthy fats, and slow-release carbohydrates.

How Much Protein Do You Need?

When it comes muscle building, protein is the nutrient we think of first. But how much protein does that mean, exactly?

The expert recommendation for protein intake seems to be between 1.3 and 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day [1].

(For someone who weighs 150 pounds, for example, that’s between 88 and 122 grams of protein per day.)

If you’re doing high intensity training, you might need a little more. And serious bodybuilders or athletes who are restricting calories to cut fat might need as much as two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Now, let’s look at some foods that are protein rich and good for promoting muscle growth naturally.

Whole Eggs

Eggs are excellent sources of protein and fat to assist in muscle building.

And make sure you eat the whole egg! A 2017 study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found people who ate 18 grams of protein from whole eggs after resistance exercise experienced greater muscle building than those who consumed egg whites [2].

For the best quality eggs, buy pastured eggs from a local farmer.

Grass-Fed Beef

Beef is packed with protein from muscle, connective tissues, and collagen, all natural protein sources found in the human body. Beef is also a good source of vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and phosphorus, minerals that are important for proper muscle building.

For the most nutrition and highest-quality protein, look for grass-fed beef. Factory-farmed meats might look the same, but they don’t contain the same healthy fatty acids of grass-fed meat—plus, they often come with biotoxins and other additives you don’t want in your body.

That being said, if you can’t find or afford grass-fed beef, the healthiest choice for traditional beef is very lean cuts.

Wild, Fatty Fish

Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which research has shown have anti-inflammatory properties [3]. Omega-3s may help make your workouts better, support your bones, and improve recovery.

Choose fatty fish like salmon, sardines, trout, and tuna. You can also take an omega-3 fish oil supplement.

Leafy Green and Cruciferous Vegetables

Eat plenty of vegetables to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it need for muscle building, fat loss, and overall health. Leafy green veggies and cruciferous vegetables like the following are best because they’re also great sources of fiber:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli sprouts
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Green cabbage
  • Red cabbage
  • Radishes
  • Turnips
  • Collard greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Kale
  • Bok choy
  • Swiss chard
  • Watercress

Try to have some veggies at every meal. Also, adding greens to a protein smoothie in the morning is a great way to boost your nutrition.

Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is high in fiber and rich in B-vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, and selenium. It’s also a good source of protein, BCAAs, and glutamine (more on those below).

Unsweetened Greek Yogurt

Like eggs, beef, and fish, yogurt is a complete protein source with all the essential amino acids, making it great for building muscle naturally.

Greek yogurt is best because it has more protein. Just make sure it’s unsweetened with no added sugars! You can always add healthier sweeteners to it yourself.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts like almonds or almond butter, cashews, walnuts, pecans, and seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds, and sunflower seeds are all healthy sources of plant-based fat and protein.

Plus, they’re easy to eat as snacks and as additions to meals, especially breakfast.


Quinoa is one of the plant-based foods that contains all the essential amino acids for muscle growth. It’s also a slow-digesting carb and may boost IGF-1 levels [4], a factor important for building lean muscle and strength.

Best Natural Muscle Building Supplements

Sadly many of the most popular weight training-related supplements out there contain artificial colors, flavors, and are high in processed sugars and carbs. But there are also many natural products that can work just as well without all the junk.

Besides the above foods for natural muscle building, here are the best natural supplements for muscle gain:

Natural Protein Powders

Protein powders make it easy to increase your daily protein, especially before or after a workout when your muscles need it more.

Whey protein is the best option because it’s a complete protein that’s absorbed rapidly into your body. It’s perfect for right before or after a workout.

Look for whey protein with natural sweeteners and, if you have the access, choose products with whey from grass-fed cows.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

BCAAs make up three essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) your body needs to build and maintain muscle (among many other functions) and also help prevent muscle atrophy [5].

BCAAs have also been shown to reduce soreness in your muscles after intense workouts [6].

Timing matters with BCAAs. The best time to take them is before and after a workout. Add 5-10 grams of BCAAs to a shake or other drink pre- or post-workout.

Natural Muscle Gainers

Muscle gainer supplements provide you with quick extra calories and protein. They’re for people who have trouble putting on weight, even when eating large amounts of calories and lifting weights. The amount of calories can range from the hundreds to the thousands.

When choosing a healthy muscle gainer, make sure the ingredients are free or artificial colors, sweeteners, and fillers.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is compound found naturally in your body that supplies energy for your muscles to contract. Studies have shown creatine supplements may increase the content in your muscles, improving exercise performance for better gains [7,8].


Beta-alanine is an amino acid in the body that comes from protein-rich foods. Beta-alanine can increase levels of carnosine, a protein building block, in the muscle. Using beta-alanine as a supplement has been shown to increase carnosine in the body by over 60 percent [9].


While caffeine iself doesn’t help you build muscle, it’s common in many pre-workout formulas because it can help increase motivation and alertness while decreasing fatigue and even soreness post-workout.

Taking a pre-workout or other source of caffeine before a workout can help improve your focus, leading to a better-quality workout that helps you build and maintain muscle.

Nature’s Ideal offers many products to support your muscle building journey and health. Browse our Muscle Building, Supplements, and Food sections to find the products right for you and your goals.

Disclaimer: Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Apr 12th 2018 Nature's Ideal

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