Beat Your Allergies with These 13 Natural Remedies

Beat Your Allergies with These 13 Natural Remedies

Changing seasons are exciting, but they can bring problems for allergy sufferers. In the spring and summer, pollen counts often rise—which means more runny noses, sneezing, and other allergy and sinus issues.

And if you don’t want to turn to medication to treat your symptoms, you might be wondering if there are any natural solutions. The answer is yes!

Here are some common allergy symptoms and 13 different home remedies for allergies you can start using today.

Common Signs You Have Seasonal Allergies

Although they can vary from person to person, common symptoms of seasonal allergies include:

  • Runny nose
  • Itchy and/or watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Asthma-like symptoms
  • Irritability, fatigue, brain fog, or lack of focus
  • Ear infections
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble breathing regularly

Alone or together, allergies can be incredibly frustrating and make it hard to move through your day as usual. So here are some home remedies for allergies to help you feel better and get back to life sooner.

1. Neti Pot

The complexity of our nasal passages make it easy for pollen, dirt, and bacteria to get trapped and accerbate allergie issues. As your body tries to flush out the irritants inside your nose, you may deal with a lot of coughing or sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose.

Using a neti pot, also known as nasal irrigation, is one of the oldest and most common home remedies for allergies. It helps your body remove everything caught in your nasal passageways, which helps relieve allergy symptoms.

How to use a neti pot:

  • Buy a neti pot saltwater wash or make your own with distilled or sterilized water to use in the pot. The water should be boiled and allowed to cool to lukewarm temperature before using.
  • Stand over the sink and tilt your head to the side, placing the neti pot spout in the top nostril.
  • Breathe through your mouth only during this next step. Pour the saltwater from the neti pot into the upper nostril until the liquid drains through out of the lower nostril.
  • Tilt your head to the other side, and repeat with the other nostril.
  • Once you’re done, since the neti pot with filtered water and leave out to air dry.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Just about everyone has apple cider vinegar in their kitchen. It’s great for many uses beyond food, however. Use it as an all-natural cleaner, acne treatment, hair tonic—and as one of the best home remedies for allergies!

As an allergy remedy, apple cider vinegar can help cleanse the lymphatic system and fight mucous creation.

To use apple cider vinegar for allergies, you can take a tablespoon of it straight or add it to a cup of hot/warm water with a little honey for an easier-to-swallow option.

Related: 11 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar Like a Pro

3. Saline Nasal Spray

This works similarly to a neti pot but doesn’t involve pouring saltwater into your nose.

With a nasal spray, you can simply spritz a little into your nose to help flush out irritants!

Make your own nasal spray by combining a cup of distilled water with ½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon baking soda and adding to a spray bottle. Or, you can simply buy a natural nasal spray or drops with other helpful holistic ingredients.

4. Local Honey

Honey as a home remedy for allergies is more of a long-term solution versus a short-term one.

Local honey is created from what’s around bees in your area. That means their honey will contain small amounts of pollen or grass in the local environment. And so, when you eat the honey, you’re exposing your body to the very substances that are causing allergies—and this can actually be a good thing.

By exposing your body to trace amounts of its irritants, you help teach it to get used to those irritants. Over time, this may help reduce your sensitivity to seasonal allergens each year.

Try a tablespoon or two of local honey during the seasons allergy symptoms emerge.

Related: 5 Amazing Benefits of Raw Honey for Health and Healing

5. Water and Healthy Liquids

Hydration is a good health practice at any time, but especially when your body is fighting sickness or allergies. In fact, being dehydrated may actually make allergy symptoms worse.

Stay well-hydrated throughout the day. Carry around a reusable water bottle to ensure you always have access to water. You can also drink herbal teas—or have some bone broth for extra electrolytes.

6. Probiotics from Supplements and Food

Probiotics are gut-healthy supplements that help support your immune system with healthy bacteria. This is especially crucial when your body is dealing with allergens.

You can take probiotic supplements or get them from fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, or miso, or from fermented drinks like kombucha.

7. Fruits and Vegetables

Don’t forget about maintaining a healthy, vitamin- and mineral-rich diet when you’re dealing with allergy symptoms! Home remedies for allergies include preventative measures like eating well year-round.

Focus on plenty of leafy green vegetables, colorful vegetables, and low-sugar fruits like berries.

Also, keep in mind that some people are more sensitivity to certain foods and may even have allergy-like symptoms after eating them.

If you suspect you have certain food sensitivities causing your problems, consider getting a food sensitivity test. This will help you avoid anything that could be acerbating your issues.

8. Lots of Sleep and Rest

The best thing you can do for your body when it’s fighting something is to give it rest. That means making sleep a priority and reducing any stressful activities until you feel better.

It might be hard to slow down, but rest will actually help your body recover faster.

9. Nettle Leaf

Nettle leaf, also known as stinging nettle, is a plant that’s been used medicinally for many, many years. It has very small, thin hairs on its leaves and stem that “sting” you if touched. While this sounds unpleasant, the plant itself has great benefits.

Some say nettle leaf can support your body’s ability to make histamines that naturally fight allergies. You can take nettle leaf as a supplement, whole, or as a nice nettle leaf tea.

10. Homeopathic Supplements

Homeopathic medicine involves using a small amount of the substance causing illness or allergies to enhance the body’s healing processes.

We have an entire section devoted to Homeopathic Allergy Care for different allergy problems, including:

11. Gentle Exercise

Getting some light daily exercise can help you feel better and keep your immune system strong.

Choose something you enjoy, such as yoga or walking in nature, and avoid anything too strenuous, especially if you have trouble breathing due to allergies.

12. Less Time Outdoors

If you know when your allergies are typically the worst, try to limit your time outdoors during that time of the year. Here are some preventative measures you can take:

  • Keep your windows closed at home and while in your car.
  • Avoid walking in or working around grass.
  • Wash your clothes regularly to remove irritants from outside.
  • When you go outside, try to stick with early morning or late afternoon when pollen counts are usually lower compared to the rest of the day.

13. Possibly: An Elimination Diet

If you suspect a sensitivity to foods is making symptoms worse, as mentioned in #7, but aren’t sure what’s causing you trouble, an elimination diet can help.

Most elimination diets remove common allergens like:

  • Wheat and gluten
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Soy
  • Corn
  • Peanuts
  • Refined sugars
  • Processed and packaged foods
  • Alcohol and coffee

You typically follow a diet free of these foods for 3-6 weeks to see if symptoms subside at all. Then, you’ll gradually add foods back in, one at a time, to see if you have a reaction. If you do, you might be sensitive to that particular food and need to avoid it either year-round or just during allergy season.

Seasonal allergies are a nuisance, but hopefully these home remedies for allergies can make bring you some relief. For the natural remedies listed above and many more, check out our holistic Allergy and Sinus section here at Nature’s Ideal.

Disclaimer: Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Dec 25th 2018 Nature's Ideal

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