Ultimate List of the Best Superfoods to Eat Every Day and Revolutionize Your Health

Ultimate List of the Best Superfoods to Eat Every Day and Revolutionize Your Health

What would change if you added several superfoods to your diet every day? Chances are, you’d feel better, get healthier, and even lose weight if that’s a goal of yours.

But first, what are superfoods?

Put simply, superfoods are whole foods or supplements that are nutritionally dense and very beneficial for health. The more superfoods you can include in your diet, the better! So here are some of the absolute bestsuperfoods you could possibly eat on a daily basis.

5 Supplement Superfoods to Supercharge Your Life

Let’s start with superfoods you can buy as supplements to add to your existing routine. (Below, we’ll get into whole foods sources too!)

1. Maca for Hormone Support

Maca is a superfood root native to Peru. It’s dried and turned into a powder for use in supplement form.

Why Maca is a Superfood

Both men and women use maca for its hormone balancing effect. It’s also an adaptogen, meaning it can support those with high stress levels and boost stamina, libido, and overall energy.

Plus, maca is a good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins B, C, and E, along with trace minerals.

How to Use Maca

Maca is a great addition to smoothies and healthy dessert recipes—even chocolate! It also has a nice butterscotch-like taste that many people enjoy.

2. MCT Oil: Unique Energy Source for the Body

MCTs stand for a type of fat known as “medium-chain triglycerides.” These fats are unique in that they’re digested and absorbed quickly by the body for fast energy. MCTs are found in whole foods like coconuts, but MCT oil is a quick, easy-to-use supplement form.

Why MCT Oil is a Superfood

Because MCTs are absorbed quickly, they’re used for energy. Instead of being turned into fat, they “tell” your body to burn more fat and boost metabolism!

MCTs are great for quick energy before a workout and those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. However, anyone can benefit from MCTs.

How to Use MCT Oil

  • Blend MCT oil into your morning coffee for Bulletproof coffee (great for energy, fat-burning, and prolonged fasting!)
  • Put it in shakes smoothies
  • Stir it into things like guacamole, nut butters, or mayonnaise or drizzle it over your dinner
  • Swallow a serving of it right from a spoon!

3. Resveratrol to Support Healthy Aging

Resveratrol is found in many whole foods. It’s most well-known for being in wine. Resveratrol’s role is to protect plants from microbial dangers like bacteria and nutrient deficiencies., but it has benefits for humans too.

Why Resveratrol is a Superfood

Recent studies have shown resveratrol may:

  • provide antioxidants properties useful for inflammation
  • Have cancer preventative and cardiovascular properties [*]
  • Fight aging in humans, according to WebMD
  • Boost brain health and performance

How to Use Resveratrol

Besides red wine, other sources of resveratrol include berries, peanuts, and dark chocolate. To ensure a certain intake every day, resveratrol is available in supplement form too.

Related: Top 9 Brain Supplements and Foods to Boost Focus, Memory, Mood, and More

4. Moringa for Gut Health

Moringa is a tree whose benefits have been utilized for a long time by different cultures. The roots, leaves, and flowers of the moringa tree are nutritious and have unique benefits.

Why Moringa is a Superfood

Moringa contains fiber, healthy oils, and detoxifying benefits that help cleanse the gut and support digestion. It’s also used by some as a natural way to address acid reflux.

How to Use Moringa

Moringa is best in powder form and can be sprinkled over any food dishes or added to smoothies.

5. Turmeric/Curcumin for Soothing Inflammation and Digestion

Turmeric is a root that been used holistically and medicinally for many years. It’s bioactive component is curcumin, which is also used as a separate supplement.

Why Turmeric is a Superfood

Turmeric is said to help calm inflammatory problems in the body, especially in the gut. It also supports a healthy digestion and proper assimilation of nutrients. Turmeric is used for a variety of inflammation-related concerns.

How to Use Turmeric

You can take turmeric as a supplement in capsule or powder form. It’s also a great spice to use in cooking recipes, although you won’t get the same potent benefits a supplement can provide.

9 Whole Food Superfoods for Your Daily Diet

Besides the supplement forms of superfoods, there are many everyday whole foods that act as superfoods! Include these in your daily diet to supercharge your nutrition and health!

1. Omega-3 Seeds: Flaxseeds, Chia Seeds, and Hemp Seeds

Research has shown omega-3s may help:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce triglycerides and the heart-related health risks
  • Be helpful in combating inflammation [*]
  • And much more

Most American do not get near enough omega-3 fatty acids, so including more whole foods rich in them is encouraged.

Flaxseeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds are all healthy forms of omega-3 that also provide fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals.

How to Eat These Seeds

These seeds can be good in cereal, oatmeal, fruit, and sprinkled on any dishes.

If you’re not crazy about the whole plant of these seeds, flaxseed oil and hemp oil are also options.

2. Nuts like Almonds and Pistachios

Nuts are another healthy form of fat. While not full of omega-3s (except for walnuts!), they provide protein, fiber, and potassium. Almonds even contain a good amount of calcium!

How to Eat These Nuts

Almonds are delicious blended up as butter or added to smoothies. Both pistachios and almonds are good completely raw or slightly roasted and salted. You can even add them to baked goods for an extra crunch and boosted nutrition.

3. Beans and Lentils for Protein and Tons of Fiber

Beans and legumes like lentils are cholesterol-free and high-fiber foods. Vegetarians and vegans can especially utilize these foods for protein, iron, and other essential nutrients.

Because they’re starchy and low glycemic, beans and lentils are a good source of calories that don’t spike blood sugar like refined carbs.

How to Eat Beans and Lentils

Add them to just about anything! Soups, pastas, rice dishes, or as a side for meat dishes. You can even blend beans like chickpeas into smoothies for a whole-food protein source.

4. Greens Like Kale, Spinach, and Broccoli for Antioxidants, Vitamins, and Minerals

You really can’t go wrong with leafy greens! They’re packed with nutrition, fiber, and antioxidants, making them a super-superfood. If you need more veggies in your life, this is the place to start.

Superfood greens include:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Wheat grass
  • Collard greens
  • Lettuce
  • Romaine
  • Arugula
  • Swiss chard

How to Eat Leafy Greens

Have them as a base for salads, add them to soups or stews, blend them in smoothies, or make or buy kale chips!

5. Pumpkin and Carrots for Immunity and Your Eyes

Both carrots and pumpkin are loaded with a nutrient known as beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is known to be both immune-boosting and important for healthy eyes. They’re also packed with other antioxidant and vitamins to support health.

This combination of benefits makes them both whole superfoods.

How to Eat Pumpkin and Carrots

Canned pumpkin is great in baking recipes like pumpkin bread or even in smoothies. It’s a great fall vegetable!

Carrots are extremely versatile. They can be eaten baby-size with hummus or a healthy dressing, chopped in recipes, shredded in baked goods, and more.

6. Whole Grains like Quinoa and Oatmeal

Whole grains can be a great source of fiber, starches, and nutrients. They’re great for a healthy digestive system and overall health. Quinoa is a star grain that isn’t actually a grain—it’s a seed! Quinoa is special because it contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete plant-based protein.

Oatmeal is another high-fiber option that makes a great breakfast option

How to Eat These Grains

Quinoa can be subbed for rice in a dish or used as a protein-packed side for just about anything.

Oatmeal is classically great as a metabolism-boosting breakfast but can also be used in baking, blended into a flour, and much more.

7. Garlic and Ginger for Your Stomach and Heart

Like turmeric, garlic and ginger are spices that provide a lot of benefits beyond taste.

Ginger has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for upset stomach and promoting less inflammation. Garlic has been used for everything from supporting a healthy heart to addressing yeast infections.

How to Eat Garlic and Ginger

Add a little of either to cooked dishes for a potent holistic health boost. Garlic works for just about anything, and ginger is fantastic in Asian dishes.

You can either buy the whole food versions of each and diced them up or buy the powdered versions.

8. Beets for Cleansing and Detoxing

Beets are used a lot in detox recipes and programs because they’re an amazing superfood. Beets contain a wide variety of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support healthy organs to fight disease.

Some research suggests their superpower comes from betalians, which are a rare but potent type of antioxidants.

9. Berries: Strawberries, Blueberries, and Cranberries

Berries are some of the best fruits, healthwise. They’re lower in sugar and full of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C.

A daily dose of berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, or cranberries provide immune-boosting benefits for your whole body.

How to Eat Berries

Eat berries by themselves for a quick snack or add them to smoothies, cereal, oatmeal, or baked goods!

Any of these superfoods are great to add to your daily diet. At Nature’s Ideal, we have a ton of supplements and food products that either contain superfoods—including superfood greens powders or protein powders like Orgain Organic Superfoods—or are superfoods.

To learn more, shop our Superfoods section here.

Disclaimer: Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Jul 1st 2018 Nature's Ideal

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