How to Stay Hydrated (Besides Just Drinking Water)

How to Stay Hydrated (Besides Just Drinking Water)

You’ve probably heard many times about the importance of drinking water. Standard advice usually encourages eight cups of water a day for optimal hydration, although that number can vary a lot depending on the person. Either way, staying hydrated is important for good health, and many of us are walking around dehydrated.

If you struggle with this, here are some tips for how to stay hydrated. Plain water can get old, so we’ll cover some ways beyond water to keep your hydration levels up. That being said, you should still focus on drinking water throughout your day as part of a healthy lifestyle.

How to Stay Hydrated in 7 Different Ways

Everyone should pay attention to their hydration levels, but it’s especially important during warmer months, if you spend a lot of time outside, and if you sweat often. Here are some ways to replenish your fluids.

1. Fruits

Most fruits have very high water contents, which makes them the number one tip for how to stay hydrated. (There’s a reason watermelon sounds so amazing on a hot day.)

Try having fresh or frozen fruits as a snack. You can even create healthy fruit popsicles by freezing blended fruit in a mold with a stick. Stay away from dried fruits for hydration, as they’ve had the moisture dried out of them.

Fruits with the highest water contents include:

  • Watermelon
  • Grapefruit
  • Strawberries
  • Peaches
  • Cantaloupe
  • Nectarines
  • Papaya

If you eat a low-carb diet and are afraid to have too many fruits, stick with lower-carb options like blueberries, strawberries, or blackberries.

2. Vegetables

Many vegetables, especially leafy greens, are also naturally high in water. Getting more veggies into your diet is good for many reasons, including staying hydrated.

Try having salads with high-water vegetables like lettuce, spinach, celery, carrots, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Or, you can eat them as a snack with some hummus. Another good tip is replacing wheat pasta with zucchini noodles. That will ramp up the hydration while also increasing fiber and decreasing carbs.

3. Smoothies

Combine both of the above in a delicious smoothie for ultimate hydration. Choose your favorite fruits with some leafy greens, milk, protein powder, and nut butter for a hydrating (and healthy) breakfast or meal replacement option.

4. Fruit Juices

Fruit juices can provide a fun hydration option. Just make sure the source is actual fruit juice and not sugars. Fruit juice contains a lot of natural sugars, so it’s best to turn to this when you need to replenish electrolytes after a workout or when you’ll be out in the sun.

We like the Drink Maple waters because they’re hydrating and organic. You can also make your own fruit juices and blend them with vegetable juices if you have a juicer or high-powered blender.

5. Soups and Broths

You can replenish fluids while enjoying a delicious meal with broth-based vegetable soups. Bone broths are also great, as they contain collagen and electrolytes that are lost through sweat and dehydration.

Related: 7 Amazing Bone Broth Benefits for Everyone

6. Meats

You might be surprised to know that meat is actually quite high in water. The muscle of meat is about 75 percent water. Beef and chicken especially have high water contents, which makes them good for hydration as well as protein. Just make sure you prepare them safely.

7. Lemon Water

Lastly, adding a little flavor to your water can make it easier to get your daily eight cups. If you’re bored with plain water, try adding a squeeze of lemon or some other fruit juice. You can also buy stevia-sweetened drops to enhance your water or enjoy unsweetened sparkling waters like La Croix.

And when you do drink water, choose a healthy source as much as possible.

Be Mindful of Dehydrating Drink

Besides drinking more water and focusing on hydrating foods, avoiding too many dehydrating foods will help too. Those include:

  • Hot or iced coffee
  • Black teas
  • Sodas and other sugary drinks
  • Sodium-rich foods

These foods can cause either pull water from your body or cause you to hold onto it. You don’t necessarily need to cut dehydrating foods from your diet completely, but reducing them can help keep your water levels up and make you feel better.

Overall, remember to drink plenty of water, especially if you’re active or in the sun during the day, eat hydrating whole foods, and avoid too many foods or drinks that can make dehydration worse. You’ll have more energy and feel your best each day.

Aug 12th 2019 Nature's Ideal

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